Écrit par l'équipe P-Val

As after every crisis, the post-Covid era is seeing a wave of M&A activity with more than $3.8 trillion in deals signed in the first eight months of 2021 worldwide, the highest in more than 20 years.

The majority of these deals will destroy value, at best 40% of them, at worst 85%. The literature is rich in analyses that decipher the causes of these failures, but these studies do not propose a method for dealing with them. We have conducted numerous mergers in industry, banking and high-tech. Each time, we have seen the devastation caused by the obsession with organization as a means of integration.

Our Worlds approach is an effective and credible alternative to tackle mergers. In this white paper, you will discover how to create the World of post-merger performance as well as the keys to act as a creator of a World to which others (those you integrate, your customers, your competitors…) will want to belong.


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