Écrit par l'équipe P-Val

Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) is overheating. Everyone’s talking about it, but at company headquarters, corporate functions are struggling to put it into practice.

When we write a request on ChatGPT, which takes us 10 minutes of sticking out our tongues to produce a 3-line prompt, the machine responds in 2 seconds with a text that is 50 lines long. And now it’s telling us verbally what it’s writing! If we ask it to correct an aspect, it gets back to work just as quickly and to the same extent. And on top of that, we’ve gone from one ChatGPT in November 2022 to more than 15 general LLMs in April 2024. ChatGPT alone is available in 95 languages and 161 countries. Volubility is multiplied by ubiquity. Here we are: in the midst of linguistic warming!

In business, generative AI is the talk of the town, but decision-makers are talking a lot about it, without necessarily investing the time and money. Studies extolling the potential of this innovation are legion. A study by Accenture shows that the use of AI could boost productivity by 40%. In 2024, 84% of decision-makers see AI as a key strategic shift, but only 6% have a company-wide roadmap that puts generative AI at its heart (Capgemini Research).

In short, there’s overheating on all sides… and concrete, collective and structured responses are still a long way off…

The emergence of generative AI is a real change of “world” for which teams are not prepared in their day-to-day work.

In the first half of 2024, CAC40 companies are massively adopting Copilot or other GenAI engines that secure the main risks (data leakage, liability, etc.). These are usually technical deployments of the plugin and tuto type. It is on this basis that employees are trained on these “SecureGPT” using very “office” reflexes.


It’s a start. Companies needed between 6 and 12 months to stabilise their governance of the new AI formula.

And what if we were to move up a gear now and anchor ourselves in the business?

  • To put employees on the same level of knowledge despite their very different levels of curiosity and confidence
  • To reassure middle managers, who are already under pressure from the collaborative and peer-to-peer habits of the younger generations, in their relationship with their teams, who are potentially seduced by the support of the machine.
  • To mobilise managers in their role as leaders who find in tech the opportunity to progress by taking into account the opinion of their teams

What is certain is that tech is here to stay and that it is bringing about a change in the World © of knowledge workers: corporate functions (finance, legal, etc.) as well as customer support and BtoB sales. Why is this? Because the nature of the work is changing: learning is moving from a gradual mode to an instantaneous mode; analysis work is moving from attentive reading to taking note of filtered analyses; formatting is moving from traditional research work to the automation of images associated with texts in an unprecedented creative way. It’s a new everyday life that needs to be lived.


An example: a company lawyer is experienced and trained in the exhaustive analysis of a contract under negotiation, because the legal scope depends on the fine balances included in the clauses that respond to each other, where every word counts. Not reading the contract in its entirety, and leaving it to an AI to extract the clauses that are “out of line with policy” does not satisfy them. At least not without a quid pro quo in line with their Grandeur: greater involvement in the fields of negotiation, strategic thinking, influence, etc.

For knowledge workers, their value chain – setting the framework / problematising, collecting data, analysing and formatting a subject – is therefore strongly impacted by generative AI. The question is how. Even if the answers are not definitive. So how do knowledge workers tame this fast horse? Will they be able to make the most of this technology in their jobs?


At P-VAL we have a 360° approach to the impact on employees by business line: finance, legal, compliance, sales, etc. We offer “advice and training” in three ways

Leaders have the power to light the way for their managers and teams by letting them form their own opinions. Creating the desire to co-create tomorrow’s operating methods is the key. We are offering 3 formats with 3 aims. We’ll come back to this in a later post:

Shaping minds: training for employees in the same profession: how does AI work? what does AI do better than me? how can I move forward? What AI/IAG adoption plan for my business?

Forging uses: a chatathon ™ (or “Chat” hackathon) to collectively choose and test the business use cases suggested by generative AI based on business pain points. Several modules: “IAG Finance”, “IAG Legal”, “IAG Proposal Management”.

Forging the tools: a forum of technology companies (fintech, legaltech, regtech, etc.) backed by generative AI to assess the performance of market players on the basis of “real-life” use cases and to mobilise them to create value for your organisation.

So, are you ready to pass through the Forge?



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