Ecrit par l'équipe de P-Val by Circle Strategy

Strategy in business is too often a subject reserved for specialists in the strategy department or for top management. They are certainly the key elements, but to succeed they need to involve the teams who are in contact with customers and those who will implement the strategy more closely.

That’s why P-VAL’s ambition is to “Democratise strategy”.

For us, this is a major focus for creating Better Worlds that are more sustainable, shared, fair and efficient.

The first step is to identify the “killers” of strategy. The elements that are missed from the outset will lead to strategic failure and will condemn us to battle against a new, highly competitive environment, with a historic World that may have been successful yesterday but will no longer be tomorrow.

Killer 1: underestimating the inertia of corporate culture in the face of strategic change. As Peter Drucker said, “culture eats strategy for breakfast“.

Killer 2: thinking that a rigorous correlation between strategy and financial and extra-financial performance is not essential

Killer 3: thinking that future action plan projects will “naturally” remain faithful to the strategic ambition

Killer 4: Believing that “yes, I agree with the strategy” is proof of real ownership, which dispenses with the need for constant leadership to achieve lasting success.

Killer 5: believing that the strategy will be implemented without having built the quality and quantity of capacity needed to make it a reality

Killer 6: thinking that CSR issues are separate from strategy, when in fact they are essential drivers of strategy


In other articles to come, P-VAL will be offering concrete ways of overcoming these strategic “killers”.

But first ask yourself where you stand in relation to these 6 Killers: which one threatens you the most?


  Want to know more ? Please contact-us ! 

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