Écrit par l'équipe P-Val

Cooperation is a performance lever whose potential has long been misused by limiting itself to the incantation “we are partners”.

It is materialised by the pooling of skills or economic, technical or financial resources in the service of an ambitious common objective. In the current context, the economic, technological and societal challenges are such that “going it alone” has become, if not a stupidity or a dead end, then at least too slow and too expensive. To face our challenges, we must learn to cooperate. Cooperation then becomes a major competitive advantage in an increasingly complex market.

2022 was the year of the launch of our World Campus, in which we focused on Cooperation.

It was an opportunity to share a collaborative experience with our clients, partners and friends, all of whom come from diverse backgrounds (Construction & Public Works, Pharma Industry, Services, Luxury, Theatre, Art Gallery,…). We are pleased to present these enriched reflections on the theme of Cooperation in our new white paper.

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