Fight the 6 killers of your strategy

Strategy in business is too often a subject reserved for specialists in the strategy department or for top management. They are certainly the key elements, but to succeed they need to involve the teams who are in contact with customers and those who will implement the strategy more closely. That’s why P-VAL’s ambition is to […]

Corporate culture: a major lever for the CEO?

CEOs are often more lucid about the importance of their company’s culture – afterwards – rather than during the period when they are effectively at the head of the compagny. One example among many is Frédéric Oudéa’s testimony in an interview conducted by McKinsey. “The whole organisation must be able to find and implement solutions. […]

“We are going to create a hedge observatory”

This announcement was made by our Minister for Agriculture at a time when the French Prime Minister, in his general policy speech, stated that he wanted to reduce bureaucracy in France, and his Minister for Finance wanted a “simplification shock”, a useful package for saving €20 billion. This announcement on hedges is a grotesque revelation […]

How to make the right decision under maximum pressure?

1940, Battle of France “Basically, the General Staff is like a bridge player being questioned from a nearby room: – What should I do with my queen of spades? The isolated player would shrug. Having seen nothing of the game, what would he answer? But a General Staff has no right to shrug. If it […]

Three-act strategic change: towards sustainable transformation

All too often, strategic change is associated only with its visible and symbolic aspects, i.e. the day when the executive announces a change of strategy, marking a salutary break, … necessarily salutary. However, strategic change must first and foremost be seen as a process. As Antoine Riboud, founder of Danone, once said: “You only discover […]

Are you as Merchant as Blaise Pascal ?

The Merchant World is all too often the poor relation of the six reference Worlds that enable us to visually map the Worlds present within an organisation, or between two organisations that need to cooperate. We carried out a World analysis on the motivational levers of the Corporate Banking teams of a major European bank: […]

This is the story of 3 rugby referees…

Three rugby referees share best practice during their World Cup preparation course The first referee says: “I whistle for every foul”. The second referee says: “I whistle every foul I see”. The third referee says: “When I whistle, it’s a foul”. This story, which you can easily transfer to your professional world, distinguishes three conceptions […]